If you already have another date search (e.g. day, range or year), making this search will replace it.
If you already have another date search (e.g. day, range or year), making this search will replace it.
If you already have another date search (e.g. day, range or year), making this search will replace it.
You can search for any value here, assuming the traction identifier starts with it. For example, entering '44' will find you everything starting with 44.
You can search for any value here, which will return only exact matches with the traction identifier. For instance, a search for '37601' will only return that locomotive, unlike the traction search which may return class 376 units between 376010 and 376019.
Search for traction classes here. This will only return journeys made on the UK National Rail network.
Use the operator code here. For instance, for East Coast you would look for 'GR' and South West Trains would be 'SW'.